Corporate & Workplace Wellness

Invest in your employees and they'll take care of your organization.

With rising healthcare costs, increasing absenteeism, and lost productivity, a strong workplace wellness program is critical to drive optimal business results for any organization.

As a Corporate Wellness Consultant, I equip employees with the most effective well-being solutions to help them create healthy habits at work and home, so that they can thrive from a physical, mental, emotional, and financial standpoint. In turn, this will create a healthier workforce, reduce healthcare costs, improve business performance, and build a vibrant company culture. 

What results can you expect from a Workplace Wellness program?

  • Maximize employee performance and productivity

  • Decrease rates of illness, injury, and disability

  • Reduce absenteeism

  • Reduce health care costs and premiums

  • Retain top talent and performers

  • Streamline and optimize HR benefits and investments

  • Create and maintain a healthier, more vibrant company culture

  • Improve your bottom line, and build a stronger, more competitive business

What Corporate Clients are Saying

Olivia conducted a four-part “lunch and learn” course at my law firm, regularly attended by 25+ people. She got across-the-board rave reviews by everyone in attendance. Speaking for myself, I made several easy adjustments to my diet and habits, and the change in how I feel is noticeable. It is a testament to the practical and effective nature of Olivia’s program, which is a must-do for any company that wants to “walk the walk” of improving wellness within its organization.
— -Allan C.
Olivia’s passion for wellness and work-life balance comes across when working with our members here at WeWork. We have a large variety of companies and she is able to tailor each visit to their needs. Our members look forward to her sessions across all of our locations!
— Katelyn Moore, WEWork

Corporate Wellness Services

corporate workshop - "The wellness toolbox"

This program is a powerful gift for companies to give to their hard-working employees.    The Wellness Toolbox is a compilation of my top wellness practical tools and strategies to help working Americans thrive in the workplace. Top themes include how to eat nutritiously, effectively deal with stress, boost energy, lose weight and more. Organization can choose from menu of ten unique “Wellness Tools” that resonate best with their company, vision and wellness goals. Workshop will be one or a series of lunch and learn sessions depending on client-chosen tools, ending with an interactive Q&A, handouts and materials for all participants.

olivia  herbs

Corporate Workshop - “13 Steps to Vibrant Health” 

This powerful workshop includes all the advice and action steps I live and breathe by to achieve vibrant wellness;  ranging from nutrition, fitness, relationships, career to spirituality and more.  It’s the perfect place to start, and it’s all about mastering the fundamentals.  Program will end with interactive Q&A session and each employee receives my “13 Steps to Vibrant Health” eBook.

Corporate Seminars

* Stress Management: Olivia provides her top stress busting tips and relaxation tools for the workplace to protect employees from the long term damaging effects of stress, while improving their health and happiness at work. 

* Meal Plan like a Pro for Working Professionals – Olivia gives her top tips to meal plan like a boss while saving time, money, and calories.

* Energy Boosting Foods and Tools – Top energy boosting foods and activities to help beat the morning blues and the afternoon slump.

* Essentials to Weight Loss - How to lose the weight for good

* Easy Ways to fit in Exercise without Going to the Gym

*How Meditation and Mindfulness can impact your Health



Olivia will sit individually with each employee to develop custom goals, strategies, and plans so that they can ultimately be their happiest, healthiest, and most productive in the workplace.


Healthy eating starts in your kitchen. Olivia will take your employees on a field trip to a local marketplace, and show them how to shop and stock a healthy kitchen filled with simple, delicious, nutrient dense foods for them, their work environment, and their family.

Cooking Demonstration

Customized cooking demonstrations for a group or individual setting. Olivia will demonstrate to your workforce how to create nutritious, yummy, easy meals and snacks that will transform their tastebuds and their health. 

Nutrition Workshop for Fitness Studios  - "Eat Empowered , Top 5 Tips to Maximize your Workout"

Nutrition and Fitness go hand in hand. In this workshop, Olivia will provide her top nutritional and lifestyle tips to power the most productive workout sessions for your clients post-workout.